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Yongcheng Liang, Xiaofeng Wei, Chao Gu, et al. Enhanced Hardness in Transition-Metal Monocarbides via Optimal Occupancy of Bonding Orbitals, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 14365 (2021).
Chao Gu, Yongcheng Liang*,Xuefeng Zhou, et al. Crystal structures and formation mechanisms of boron-rich tungsten borides, Physical Review B 104, 014110 (2021).
Lin Zhou, Fei Li, Ji-Xuan Liu, Shi-Kuan Sun, Yongcheng Liang, Guo-Jun Zhang. High-entropy A2B2O7-type oxide ceramics: A potential immobilising matrix for high-level radioactive waste,Journal of Hazardous Materials 415, 125596 (2021).
Yongcheng Liang*, Azkar Saeed Ahmad, Jianzhou Zhao, et al. Isosymmetric phase transitions, ultrahigh ductility, and topological nodal lines in α-Ag2S, Physical Review B 102, 140101(R) (2021).
Azkar Saeed Ahmad, Yongcheng Liang*, Mingdong Dong, et al. Pressure-driven switching of magnetism in layered CrCl3, Nanoscale 12, 22935 (2020).
Yongcheng Liang,Yubo Zhang,Haitao Jiang, et al. Thermodynamic Ground States of Multifunctional Metal Dodecaborides, Chemistry of Materials 31, 1075(2019).
Yongcheng Liang,Jiong Yang,Lili Xi, et al. The vacancy ordering produces a new cubic monocarbide: ReC, Materials Today Physics 7,54(2018).
Yongcheng Liang, Zhenbang Gao, Ping Qin, et al. The mechanism of anomalous hardening in transition-metal monoborides. Nanoscale 9, 9112(2017).
Yongcheng Liang, Zhaobing Wu, Xun Yuan, et al. Discovery of elusive structures of multifunctional transition-metal borides. Nanoscale 8, 1055(2016).
Yongcheng Liang, Xun Yuan, Yanfeng Gao, et al. Phonon-assisted crossover from nonmagnetic Peierls insulator to magnetic Stoner metal, Physical Review Letters 113, 176401(2014).
Yongcheng Liang, Yanpeng Gou, Xun Yuan, et al. Unexpectedly hard and highly stable WB3 with a noncompact structure, Chemical Physics Letters 580, 48(2013).
Yongcheng Liang, Zheng Zhong, Wenqing Zhang. A thermodynamic criterion for designing superhard transition-metal borides with ultimate boron content, Computational Materials Science 68, 222(2013).
Yongcheng Liang, Xun Yuan, Zhao Fu, et al. An unusual variation of stability and hardness in molybdenum borides, Applied Physics Letters 101, 181908 (2012).
Yongcheng Liang, Zhao Fu, Xun Yuan, et al. An unexpected softening from WB3 to WB4, Europhysics Letters 98, 66004(2012).
Yongcheng Liang, Xun Yuan, Wenqing Zhang. Thermodynamic identification of tungsten borides, Physical Review B 83, 220102(R)(2011).
Yongcheng Liang, Xun Yuan, Wenqing Zhang. Ultrastiffness and metallicity of rhenium nitrides, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 053501(2011).
Yongcheng Liang, Chun Li, Wanlin Guo, et al. First-principles investigation of technetium carbides and nitrides, Physical Review B 79, 024111 (2009).
Yongcheng Liang, Wenqing Zhang, Jianzhi Zhao, et al. Superhardness, stability, and metallicity of diamondlike BC5: Density functional calculations, Physical Review B 80, 113401(2009).
Yongcheng Liang, Bin Zhang, Jianzhi Zhao. Mechanical properties and structural identifications of the cubic TiO2, Physical Review B 77, 094126(2008)
Yongcheng Liang, Bin Zhang. Mechanical and electronic properties of superhard ReB2. Physical Review B 76, 132101(2007).