代表性论文&科研 |
1.杨馥,陈唐嘉利,陆彦宇,陈文豪,贺岩.基于布里渊散射的海水参数测量反演算法研究[J/OL].中国激光(已录用)https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1339.tn.20210709.1532.016.html |
2.Fu Yang, Yanyu Lu, Tangjiali Chen, Yan He, Bingyi Liu, "Simulation research of ocean lidar system based on the single photon detection array," Proc. SPIE 11850, First Optics Frontier Conference, 118500R (18 June 2021); doi:10.1117/12.2599561 |
3.程楚玉、杨馥*、刘政、陈唐嘉利、陆彦宇. 双光梳测距系统测距精度仿真模拟[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2020, v.49(S2):72-79., 2020, EI |
4.Fu Yang, Zheng Liu, Xiaopeng Zhu, Research on a Wind Lidar Without Blind Zone Based on the Techonologies of Pseudo Random Code Phase Modulation and Heterodyne Detection, The 29th International Lidar Conference, Hefei, China, 06016, 2019 |
5. 李姝欣、杨馥*、钟平,基于数字剪切散斑干涉的碳纤维复合材料层压板缺陷检测方法[J].应用激光,vol.39;No.5:538-545. |
6.邱子胜, 杨馥, 叶星辰, et al. 基于伪随机码相位调制和相干探测的激光测距技术研究[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, v.55;No.628(5):387-393. |
7.Fu Yang , Xingchen Ye, Zisheng Qiu, Borui Zhang, Ping Zhong, ZhiYong Liang, Zeyu Sun, Shu Zhu,The effect of loading methods and parameters on defect detection in digital shearography, Results in Physics 7(2017) 3744—3755,SCI |
8.Y. G. Zhan, H. Y. Zhang, X. C. Ye, Y. Z. Zhou, Z. S. Qiu, F. Yang*, P. Zhong, M. Jiang, and H. Y. Zhou,Influence of piezoelectric transducer displacement error on defect detection in digital shearography speckle pattern interferometry,Journal of Optical Technology,84(6), 395-400,2016, SCI |
9. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, etc, Laser Altimeter Based on Random Code Phase Modulation and Hetrerodyne Detection, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 26, 2337-2340, 2014, SCI |
10. Fu Yang, Jing Zhang, Yage Zhan, Femtosecond laser range finders based on traditional cross correlation method and frequency resolved dispersion compensation method, Optics Communications, Vol 316, 179-189, 2014, SCI |
11. Fu Yang, Yan He, Jianhua Shang, and Weibiao Chen, Development of an All Fiber Heterodyne Lidar For Range and Velocity Measurement, Chinese Optic Letter, Vol. 8, No. 7,713~716 , 2010, SCI |
12. Fu Yang, Yan He, Jianhua Shang, Weibiao Chen, Experimental Study on the 1550nm All Fiber Heterodyne Laser Range Finder, Applied Optics, Vol 48, Iss 34, 6575-6582 , 2009, SCI |
13. Y. ZHAN, L. LI, F. YANG*, K. GU, H. WU and M. YU, An all-fiber multi-parameter sensor for composite structures based on a chirped fibre Bragg, OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW , 21(3), 283-287,2013, SCI |
14. Yage Zhan, Kun Wang, Li Li, Yong Kong, Fu Yang*, Xiaokai Zhao, A novel modulation technique to enhance the optical intensity of referenced light for BOTDR’s high-accuracy signal interrogation, Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials, Vol 16, 1039-1045, 2014, SCI |
15. Yage Zhan, Kun Wang, Li Li, Yong Kong, Fu Yang*, Research of an integrative technique with polarization modulation for generating high-quality multi-wavelength optical source, Optik, Vol 125, 6785-6788, 2014, SCI |
16. Yage Zhan, Kan Gu, Fu Yang, Hua Wu, Muhuo Yu, A bubble detection technique based on light intensity and Mie scattering theory for spinning solution, Optik, Vol. 124, 4236-4239, 2013, SCI |
17. Fu Yang, Jianhua Shang, Yan He, Yage Zhan, Weibiao Chen, Advanced detection methods of spaceborne laser altimeter, Imaging and Applied Optics, Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, AIO, Seattle, Washington United States, JTu4A. 1, 2014,EI |
18. Fu Yang, Yage Zhan, Qinyu Yang, Shaolin Xue, Yan He, Simulation of the Space-Borne Laser Altimeter Based on Pseudorandom Code Phase Modulation and Heterodyne Detection, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol. 38, No 12, s114007-1~s114007-6 (in Chinese), 2011, EI |
19. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, Study of Fiber Laser Ranging System Using Pseudorandom Modulation and Single Photon Counting Techniques, Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol. 38, No. 3,0314003-1~0314003-6 (in Chinese), 2011, EI |
20. Fu Yang, Yan He, Weibiao Chen, Experiment on Coheren Laser Altimeter, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai. China. Aug 31-Sep 3, 978-1-4244-3830-3/09, 2009, EI |
21. Fu Yang, Yan He, Tianhua Zhou, Weibiao Chen, Simulation of Space-Borne Altimeter Based on Pseudorandom Modulation and Single-Photon Counting, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol. 29, No.1, 21~26, (in Chinese), 2009, EI |